Prayer for My Hurting Family

My Beautiful Faithful God,

Thank you for comforting me during this time. Thank you for the people you have placed in our lives who are praying for our family, Your Body is beautiful. My emotions exist in a mystical paradox. While I suffer this great agony I feel the joy of Your Holy Spirit filling my heart. At times I laugh out loud for shear delight of this grace.

I am struggling to remain calm in a deadly storm. You have taken my greatest strength and used him to bring me to my knees. Please let this time on my knees lift him to You.

It is difficult to hold the course amid the waves and wind that toss and throw me. I am weak. Do not allow my weaknesses to continue to push him further away. Please Lord if it is within Your Will, end his suffering and return him to me now. My heart aches for him. Soften his heart toward me. Place forgiveness in his heart for the pain I have caused. Let him see only love and peace in me. Let me be a source of strength and comfort for him. How you must suffer when we reject Your love and comfort! Heal him so he can see me through eyes of charity and not resentment. Heal us so he can reach out to me without fear of rejection.

Lord in Your infinite mercy do not make my children bare this cross. I can endure this trial with Your strength as long as You will, but Lord please not my children too. Preserve their innocents, protect their hearts, and test not the strength of their faith. Do not let them suffer for our failings. Hear my cry O Lord! Have mercy! Have mercy! Have mercy!

I have done what you ask. I have given You my marriage so that he can find You and discover the man you are calling him to be. Then through You he may freely, joyfully and fully return to us a more beautiful person than he is now. When you told me to let him go it was so that I would understand that this is his journey. I can not travel it for him nor can I tell him how he must travel. You are asking me to give him time. God help him, guide him and don’t let him wonder too far. You have blessed me with the sound of your voice. He can not hear you. Please speak louder and clearer. Open his ears to your voice. Compassionate Physician; heal his hurt, anger, apathy, and hopelessness. Let him feel Your presence and know You are near. Like Your apostle Thomas let him see and touch Your wounds so that he might have faith.

You are asking me to be faithful, loving, and (most difficult for me) to be patient. Please hasten this trial so I do not sin against you by giving into despair. Use this time to mold me into the wife he needs, the wife you want him to have, the woman you want me to be and the mother my children deserve. Give me insight to know what I must change and the perseverance to replace old habits with new ones. Continue Lord to speak to me and send whispers to calm and reassure me that this will pass and something Heavenly will replace the darkness. Help us to use this trial to draw closer to you, build an indestructible foundation for our children, and provide hope to others.

Our Father give us comfort while we are in this fire of refinement. You are giving us the chance to more fully reflect your image, but the process hurts. We thirst, give us drink least we are tempted to walk away before you have finished.

Jesus, my Lord and Savior, hold him tight for me. My Lord, do not abandon me.

Holy Spirit lead my husband to the same well of joy and peace You are providing to me. Fill him abundantly. Continue to infuse in me the infectious joy of Your Spirit.

Our Lady of Good Remedy, come to our aid and provide abundant graces from your treasury. Touch our hearts and guide us to “do whatever He says”. Care for my husband as the loving mother you are. Cradle him in your arms, assure him he is not alone and bring him to your Son. Help me be the mother our children need.

St. Joseph faithful husband to the Mother of God, be a shoulder of comfort and strength for my husband. Give aid to him to follow God’s call even during the times he doesn’t fully understand. Help him be the father our children need.

St. Michael the Archangel, You know how evil spirits prowl around lurking for vulnerable souls. Protect us while we are weak. Keep away anything that would hinder God’s plan and distance us from Him and each other.

St. Francis de Sales, you have helped so many discover God’s Will for their lives. Intercede on Jason’s behalf and pray that God’s Will is made known to him.

St. Faustina you have become the patron saint of our family. Pray for us so we may be a united family trusting in Jesus.

Starr as you gaze upon the splendor of our Heavenly Father pray for your son. May the same transforming Holy Spirit which enflamed your soul stir the embers in his and sustain him during this dark and lonely time.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.